Recently, municipal building inspectors and examiners throughout southern Ontario have become extra cautious when reviewing permit applications for Basement Apartments and other basement-related renovations.
This is especially true when reviewing drawings and permit applications that have been submitted by newly-licensed and/or inexperienced designers.
The most important concern of course, is for the safety of families and individuals who reside within such private rental units, where specific Ontario fire codes, structural modifications and other safety standards for Basement Apartments must be strictly adhered to by whomever performs the actual work.
In addition, the Toronto GTA has recently been issuing unprecedented numbers of Permit Compliance Orders arising from Building Code violations committed by homeowners who have (knowingly or unknowingly) neglected to comply with the legal permit process before renting out their basements.
Many of these homeowners have been facing large fines and “Stop-Work-Orders” (if the work is still in progress) issued by their local municipalities. see Permit Compliance Orders
About our Architectural Member-Specialists…
All Co-op-Approved Designers and Structural Specialists who perform this level of architectural service (Basement Apartment Legalization, etc.) have achieved years of professional experience within the industry, which includes working closely with local municipal inspectors and examiners, and are fully capable of dealing with all aspects of the Permit Approval Process.
This enables our registered clients to obtain the quickest, hassle-free Permit Approval for their Basement Apartment renovation.
Note: All architectural services are sold separately. If you have your own contractor, we will be happy to process an estimate solely for your Drawings & Permit Processing.
For more complete information about our Architectural Design & Permit Services click here
Have you been issued a
Permit Compliance Order?
A Permit Compliance Order initiated by a Municipal Building inspector can quickly turn into a serious issue. Such orders should be handled with care, speed and efficiency by a seasoned Architectural Specialist or Structural Engineer.
Recently, there has been a large increase in the volume of Building Permit Compliance Orders issued throughout the Toronto region.
A high percentage of these are issued due to serious safety and Ontario Building Code violations associated with existing Basement Rental Apartments, along with Basement Apartments that are currently under construction without a completed Building Permit.
To address the high volume of inquires by homeowners who have been issued an initial warning by an inspector, or who have already been issued an official Compliance Order, The Renovation Co-op now offers its Permit Compliance Services, which are designed to quickly and inexpensively deal with the Order on behalf of the client.
This fast-paced service consists of a select group of The Co-op’s most experienced architectural and structural designers, each of whom has developed a high degree of earned credibility and experience in resolving all types of compliance-related issues.
To their credit, most city inspectors and examiners are very reasonable and professional.
They also understand that the vast majority of complaints are initiated by neighbors, and will first ensure the validity of the complaint by visiting the home in question.
If the inspector determines that you should be for cited for a violation, the inspector will first give you a verbal warning and likely hand you a business card.
However, prior to that visit a compliance order file has already been created. A follow-up Compliance Order will be sent to you with a “date certain” for rectifying the issue. The due date will depend upon the inspector’s sense of urgency regarding the structure’s condition and safety.
However, it is important to mention that by this point, a temporary file has already been started (pending the inspector’s verification of the offense, as noted above).
Regardless, this verbal warning should be taken seriously. If you fail to act on this warning, an official “Order-to-Comply” will be sent to you, which spells out a definite date by which a building permit must be issued for the work to be completed, or for existing construction.
Unsafe Workmanship
In addition to citing structures that are unsafe, most Compliance Orders are issued for construction that has already been performed without a permit.
The Compliance Order will likely include a requirement for an examination by a licensed, structural designer. In order to obtain the permit, the specialist will have to produce drawings based on the way the structure is supposed to have been built, then compare it to the way it has actually already been built.
Regardless of how far the issue has gone, a Permit Compliance Specialist will act quickly to resolve the issue on your behalf. Once you engage a Co-op member-specialist, he or she will immediately contact the municipality to request that the the Compliance Order be set aside temporarily to allow enough time for the specialist to produce the appropriate drawings and paperwork required to obtain the Building Permit.
Estimating Procedures
To help facilitate the flow of private, secured information and communications between our member-service partners and their clients, we’ve developed our own proprietary, Renovation Management Platform.
This unique system enables all project-related information to be entered, updated and tracked 24/7 by both registered clients and Co-op members alike.
For example…one of the biggest issues that most contractors and their clients face is the lack of adequate communications between the two parties throughout the estimating process, and as the project proceeds along its various stages of production.
When you request an estimate, you will have access to your own personal secured account, which will include updated status reports of the estimate process, as well as status reports on construction, progressive payment reports etc, along with the balance of your Renovation Credit Account (see Renovation Credit Program)
Please Note: If your project requires a Building Permit, The Renovation Co-op will be unable to process an estimate for your renovations until you have submitted a copy of the final drawings and a stamped permit.
If you do not have your own architect, please request an estimate for your Drawings and Permit Processing.
Note: If you hire a Co-op Member-Architectural Specialist, you will receive a rebate of up to $1,500. see Architectural Rebate
The following procedures assume that a permit has already been acquired:
Step 1: Project Assessment Report
Step 2: Submission of Bid Request
Step 3: Review of Bid Responses
Step 1:
Project Assessment Report
For your Basement Apartment Renovation project, a Senior-Level Contractor is selected to conduct an Initial Site Examination of the property. He or she will first review a copy of the client’s Final Permit drawings, and then personally review the overall project with the homeowner(s).
Following the Initial Site Examination, the senior contractor submits a Project Assessment Report to the Co-op’s Bid Preparation Team.
Step 2:
Preparation & Submission of a Bid Request
Based upon the Project Assessment Report submitted by the senior-level contractor, the Co-op’s Bid Preparation Team determines the type and level of general contracting service that will be required to complete the client’s project.
A Bid Request is then submitted to a carefully targeted group of member-contactors who regularly perform the same type and level of work requested by the client.
Step 3:
Review of Bid Responses
Note: While it is important to ensure that all bid responses are submitted quickly, the targeted group of contractors will always be given adequate time to check availability and pricing from their sub-trades, suppliers, etc. before committing to a price.
Step 4:
Automatic Request for Subsidy Funds
Upon completion of the bidding process, an automatic request is sent to the Canadian Renovation Funding Program to obtain any Subsidy Discount Funds, Rebates or Grants that may be available for the project.
For details:
The approval of subsidy funds for each request normally takes 4-6 hours, and is determined based upon the availability of funds at the time of the request, as well as the type of project involved and its location.
Step 5:
Online Estimate Review
Upon completion of the bidding process and the automatic request for Subsidy Funds, a telephone appointment is arranged between a Co-op Service Rep and the client to simultaneously review the completed estimate.
Throughout this 5-minute Online Estimate Review, the rep verifies that the client fully understands what is being presented, and that the client can properly navigate through the estimate.
The client’s Online Estimate is divided into 2 segments:
Scope of Work: Provides a full, detailed description of the work that is to be performed
Contract Price: Displays the Final Sale Price after deductions from approved subsidy funds and rebates have been calculated, along with the portion of Renovation Credit that can be applied (if available from within the client’s Renovation Credit Account). see Renovation Credit Program
Upon your request, The Renovation Funding Program (a free, non-profit advisory service) will offer you a private recommendation to a suitable, Co-op-approved Mortgage Specialist who works with our clients regularly.
For further details see Renovation Funding Program
Legal Basement
Apartment Conversions
Frequently asked Questions…
Here are some of the questions many homeowners have asked us before starting this type of project…
Question-How do I get the best financing for Legalizing my Basement?
Answer: see Financial Services
Question-How much rent will I be able to charge each month?
Answer: see Typical Basement Rental Fees
Question-After my basement apartment is finished, how I do I get a good quality, long-lasting tenant?
Answer: see Finding a Good Tenant
Question-How will my family’s privacy be affected?
Answer: see SoundProofing your Basement
Upon your request, The Renovation Funding Program (a free, non-profit advisory service) will offer you a private recommendation to a suitable, Co-op-approved Mortgage Specialist who works with our clients regularly.
For further details see Renovation Funding Program
Typical Basement Apartment Rental Fees
According to recent statistics:
The average Basement Apartment within the Toronto region currently ranges from $1,400 to over $2,700 + per month.
Note: As these numbers reflect government statistics, it must be assumed that they include only those basements that have been properly legalized, and that they adhere to all local and provincial Building Code requirements.
The range of rental rates above applies to Basement Studio Apartments, 1 Bedroom & 2-bedroom suites.
What determines rental fees?
* Location:,
What area (in or around the GTA) is your home located?
How close is your home to public transportation? (TTC Bus routes, Subway Lines, etc).
How close is your home to personal grocery shopping, drug stores, etc?
* Condition of your existing Basement:
Put bluntly (and to the point)…Is your existing basement apartment a “dump”? (legalized or not), or a professionally-renovated unit that will attract a long-term, quality tenant?
The best way to answer that question: “Would you… the owner feel comfortable living in your own basement?”
Note: Many owners have already decided to live in their own newly-renovated basement apartment while renting out the entire upstairs. For such owners, they have already answered the above question.
Finding good, Reliable Tenants:
What is your definition of a good, reliable tenant?
Before placing your newly-renovated Basement Apartment up for rent, you should determine the type of tenant you want to have living in your property.
Would you prefer renting to a couple, a family or a single person?
Working, retired, self-employed?
Pre-Screening your Tenants:
Always keep in mind that adding a Legal Basement to your home (within the Toronto GTA and surrounding areas) can represent one of the most (if not the most) important, profitable investments a homeowner can make.
Between the high cost of real estate, increased food prices and other rising living costs, more and more people are opting to find quality rental accommodations.
In this sense, there is a Basement Apartment “marketplace” throughout the GTA and surrounding areas, which can be compared to the way real estate is presented and sold.
If you are committed to attracting a high quality tenant, then you should be committed to offering such potential tenants an equally high quality basement rental apartment that looks and feels like a warm, comfortable home.
Our suggestion is to renovate your basement apartment as though you plan to live in it yourself.
To this point, many homeowners are opting to live in their own newly-renovated basement while renting out the main house to maximize the rental income.
Sound-Proofing your Basement
Perhaps the biggest privacy concern shared by both yourself and your prospective tenant will be the level of noise transmitted to the basement from upstairs, and vice versa.
Noise-cancelling Insulation
We offer several sound-proofing solutions including the installation of special noise-cancelling insulation embedded within the ceiling area, as well as professional-level sound baffling material placed within the framing between the outer wall and interior drywall.
These methods greatly restrict unwanted noises coming from overhead into the basement as well as sounds coming from the basement into the first floor of the home.
Architectural Rebate
As previously mentioned, all architectural services are sold separately. When you purchase your Architectural Drawings and Permit Processing through a Co-op member-designer, you are never locked into having the actual work performed through The Renovation Co-op.
You control your own set of drawings, which enables you to freely obtain estimates from any contractors (including The Renovation Co-op’s own member-contractors).
This also means that any contractors who quote on your project must do so by estimating on the same set of Final Permit Drawings, leaving no room for guesswork, “game-playing,” or any unreasonable extra fees charged after your project has commenced.
However, if your project is completed by an approved Member-Contractor, you will receive an Architectural Rebate of up to $1500, which will be deducted from your final contract price.
The Architectural Rebate will be applied regardless of any other subsidies or discounts that may be offered as part of the member-contractor’s price.
The Architectural Rebate will remain in your account indefinitely until it gets applied toward the purchase of renovations (only for the same work the permit has been issued for).
As an additional incentive for the purchase of renovations, The Renovation Credit Program was created in 2018. This revolutionary program enables registered clients to earn substantial credits when purchasing any Co-op-approved services (non-renovation-related) that are recommended through The Renovation Funding Program.
Upon registering as a client, your online account will contain a link to your Renovation Credit Account, which will normally display an initial balance of “$0.”
When you complete a purchase from a Co-op-approved, Professional Service Partner (Mortgage Broker, Realtor, Insurance Broker, etc.) an amount of $500-$2,500 will be automatically added to your Renovation Credit Balance.
For details:
Need Financing?
In 2016, The Canadian Renovation Funding Program was established to oversee the Renovation Co-op’s complex series of Subsidy & Rebate Programs, while providing a free advisory to clients who require financing.
The program consists of a select team of retired and semi-retired finance specialists, each having their own successful careers within specific areas of Financial Services, including Residential & Commercial Mortgage Financing, Investment Banking, Private Mortgage Financing and Construction Loans.
The program also includes experts from the Insurance and Legal Service Industries, with combined expertise in Real Estate Law, Home & Personal Insurance, Eldercare Law, Immigration, Divorce & Family Law, Bankruptcies and Criminal Law.
By providing such a vast range of financial expertise, The Renovation Co-op helps facilitate the flow of business between its registered clients and member service providers.
Recommending Co-op-Approved Brokers
& Related Professional Services
The Funding Program has recently introduced a free Loan Advisory Service, which is being offered exclusively to registered clients of The Renovation Co-op.
Upon the client’s request, a Program Specialist will identify and recommend a specific, Co-op-Approved Mortgage Broker or other Financial Service Provider who regularly specializes in the type of loan product that best fulfills the client’s requirements.
This targeted “pinpointing” of a broker’s unique experience greatly increases the client’s chances of quickly obtaining the most appropriate type of loan that fits his or her needs, and not the other way around.
Co-op-Approved Brokers
All Co-op Approved Mortgage Brokers are highly-skilled, career-minded professionals, whose customer loyalty and personal dedication will always be directed toward their client, and not the lender.
And, as each of our recommended brokers are self-employed business owners, when it comes to long-term relationship-building it is you (the client) who actually becomes the broker’s “employer.” And the only way for the broker to retain that long-term “employment” with you, is to always act in your best interest…and not that of a bank’s or other institution’s employees,
Non-Stop Training…
As new mortgage loan products continue to become more complicated, mortgage brokers must always maintain a vigilant, watchful eye over the industry, always seeking opportunities and/or information that may further help their clients obtain the best mortgage rates, terms and loan conditions.
In fact, most Renovation Co-op-Approved Mortgage Brokers have the highest attendance record in the industry when it comes to participating in financial forums and special loan product briefings.
For many typical, “less-engaged mortgage specialists, this effort has become too hard a challenge.
However, The Renovation Funding Program recommends only serious, career-minded mortgage specialists who are already highly motivated to grow and excel within their own professional levels of financial expertise.
Note: As a registered client, you will always have permanent access to this free advisory service, and you will never be obligated to purchase any services offered through The Renovation Co-op.
However, if you purchase a loan (for any purpose), a credit of $2,500 will be deposited into your Renovation Credit Account. (see Renovation Credit Prog
The Laneway Suites Program
In June, 2018 the City of Toronto approved a zoning change that allows for the construction of “Laneway” Housing Units (also referred to as “Carriage Houses).
This bold, innovative legislation now enables many homeowners to convert their rear, detached garage (or empty backyard space) into a 1-2 story rental property without the need for going through a Committee of Adjustment review.
Note: There are some restrictions. For example, the structure must be fully detached from the main house.
There are other specific restrictions that apply with regards to obtaining a building permit, etc. For details go to to request an estimate for drawings & permit process. You will be contacted immediately.